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Sunday, 2 December 2012

Magazine illustration II

For this painting, I used many colours and ended up colouring the mice and mice things much less so they would stand out.  I worked on A3, much larger that I usually do. Unable to scan this image, I took a picture and will try to take a better one at a later date.
Although this was 'finished' because of the assignment is overdue, I could have worked on it more.  I wanted to add mice shadows, work on the shades of some cubes more to improve the perspective etc etc.  I also thought making another image seen from a different point of view - as seen from the floor level, and experiment with ways of closing up on the mice to be able to have more details. 

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this assignment and learnt a lot from it. I also re-discovered Richard Scarry, W. Heath Robinson, and Rube Goldberg. What a treat!

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