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Friday, 9 September 2011

visual metaphors #2

*Censorship of the press 

* Economic catastrophe: 

"Choose one of the phrases and create adrawn visual list of objects and subjects which could be used to symboline them... show your drawings to someone else to check their understanding of the meanings in your drawings and judge how far your drawings communicate what you intended" 

I chose "Reaching retirement" and with my first effort I learnt a lot:

I started with a sketch but got carried away in a kind of greeting card style. Here are comments I received and my response:

(Person 1):
 It's a very cheerful scene until you realise that person retiring is a skeleton. 
I think people retiring are looking forward to many relaxing years.  This illustration made me think that retirement is the step before death.  So I'd say it's not really suitable.

I was trying to make a political statement with my drawing (...)
You're the second person who made a comment that made me realise the sort of 'greeting card' format I had chosen is not working. I'll try and see if it works as a cartoon, maybe it won't work at all?

(Person 2):
I think it's a bit too sinister for a retirement card, with an overall sense of death about it and secrets behind the big smile. I find myself wondering if that's Death on the left giving a present to the woman on the right or if she's giving it to the skeleton and has some hidden secret hence her overlarge grin?

Perhaps someone who's really really old only now getting a retirement party to convey the sense of retirement age being shifted later and later? e.g. "when X's retirement party came along he discovered he could no longer get on a table never mind dance on it?" type of thing. 

My New (revised) drawing:

By the time Bert retired, he showed signs of ageing...


1 comment:

  1. I think this to be very honest actually. I had quite a chuckle at first glance and thought what a sense of humour was portrayed. I'm South African and we have no time to be precious about retirement, in fact although we've a retirement age of 65, most people carry on working for themselves in some way because we don't have a government that financially supports this idea, so it's quite fitting for our culture.
